(set: $name to (prompt:[How shall I refer to you?!:], "Penelope", "Penelope is fine", "Use this name instead"))
(go-to:"Start") <!--Comment Text-->
I am a family cat, $name. My family is obsessed with hiking, tracking, that sort of thing. I'm not some shaggy dog, so I'm finding all the running around quite dreadful.
At (link-replace: "least...")[least... Maisey chose not to put that hideous sweater on me today.
[[Oh no...]]
Here she comes with the [[SWEATER!!!]]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[A six-year old starts (text-style: "shudder")[running] towards $name with an orange handmade sweater in her hands, screaming:]
(text-colour:"lightpink")["Come here, sweety pie!!! Aw, I bet your tummy is frozen... here, let me put that gorgeous sweater on you..."]
Shall I let her [[put the stupid sweater on]] or shall I [[run to dad]] instead? (text-colour:"lightpink")["Good kitty! You're so pretty! [[Dad]], look how pretty!"](text-colour: "orange")[What's up, $name? Agh, Maisey is playing dress up I see. There, have a piece of the sausage.]
Eat the [[vegan sausage]] or [[touch the vegan sausage with my paw and ignore its existance for no reason]]. Huh, looks like Dad is too busy setting up the barbeque. Agh, he has a [[vegan sausage]]. That's one good vegan sausage. Didn't realise I was hungry. (link-replace: "I mean...") [I'm a cat for God's sake. I'm always hungry.]
Fine, I'd better [[take a look around]] I guess. Dad is in genuine confusion, but he's used to it at this point. Oh no, he's taking the sausage away from me!
Fine, I'll eat the [[vegan sausage]] if you people so desparately want me to. The camping site is full of greenery, which my people have specifically warned me not to eat. Do they actually think I'm that [[stupid?]]OoOooOoh a (text-style: "blink")[butterfly, a butterfly!!!]
Shall I [[smell]] the butterfly or... (link-replace: "meh?") [What do you mean meh?! SMELL the butterfly!!!]
(go-to: "What do you mean shall I? Of course I shall!") The butterfly has flapped its wings and is now flying away. $name starts chasing the butterfly, but the bitch seems to be too fast.
Come on, $name, do something!
Shall I [[run quicker]] or [[let the butterfly go]]?
I can do it, I can do it! Come on, a little (link-replace: "faster...") [YES! There you are! [[Snif-snif.]]]
Phew, that was one hell of a workout. (link-replace: "Fine,") [I heard Maisey screaming after me, [[let's go home]], perhaps they'll at least feed me another sausage.]
That is one pretty butterfly.
Right then, I guess time to go back now. I heard Maisey screaming for me while I was on my chase. They'd better feed my another sausage when I'm back, I must have lost a pound or two with all that running... [[let's go home]].
Ha. That's weird. I'm pretty sure that's not the tree I peed on when we first came to the site.
Shall I [[plant by beautiful butt here and cry for help]] or [[try to track my way back to the campsite]] ?Meow, meoooow, meeeeeoooow.
Oh god, what is (text-style: "sway")+(link-replace: "that?!") [Agh, just a flock of birds flying off the tree. What do I do [[now]]?]
The sun is starting to set. I normally enjoy night time, but that's when Mom is in her PJ's and lets me snuggle with her under the covers. Oh no, I don't even have my blue (link-replace: "blankie!") [I can't have a good sleep without my blankie! [[Ew...]]] Now my stomack is (text-style: "shudder")[growling.] But I never wait till the point my stomack begins to growl. That is just unacceptable.
I guess I should search for some [[food]]? Alrighty, we have:
A [[worm]], a [[dead bug]] and a bush of suspiciously juicy red [[berries]]... Delish. but I've got to eat something. Ew, it's moving... still better than the other two options.
[[Eat the worm]]Ugh, it has a shell.. I don't want to break my shiny teeth. Let's try the [[worm]]...No, no thank you, screw that. I'm not dying of poisoning. Let's go with the [[dead bug]]. (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name starts munching on the poor worm.] (link-reveal: "Good Lord,") [I would've never thought dinner time would be the death of me. Oh that's just great, it's pitch black.]
Do I [[run]] around meowing like a maniac, curl up in a ball and [[cry]], or, perhaps, [[lie down]] beneath the tree and wait for the morning to come? Right, that looks like my footprint! Oh and here's another one! And another! (link-replace: "Wow!")[I'm good at [[this!]]] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[With zero warnings (not like there was anyone to warn in the first place) $name set off on a sprint: screaming, crying; all that the forset could hear was] (link-replace: "the prominent...")[MEOOOoOOOW].
Screw that, I'm out of breath. Besides, I can barely feel my paws. Ew, what is [[that?]](link-replace:"Really?")[What kind of whiny pussy did you think I was? Do I have some sense of self-worth or not? [[I'd better get my beauty sleep in]].] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[As $name carefully laid down on a pile of slightly damp fallen leaves, they couldn't help but wonder what might the family be going through meanwhile... ]
(link-replace: "Perhaps,")[Maisey's sweater wouldn't be so annoying [[now...]]]
And another one.. Wait a minute. That does not look right. I think I remember that bush. And that tree. Am I just walking in circles?
Seems to me I'd rather give up and look for [[food]] instead.Agh, nevermind, just another dry leaf falling onto me...
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[With that being said, $name [[closed their eyes]] as tight as they possibly could, and braced themselves for the challenges of the outside world that were awaiting as soon as morning came.] A piece of chewed gum? Freaking humans.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[With that being said, $name [[closed their eyes]] as tight as they possibly could, and braced themselves for the challenges of the outside world that were awaiting as soon as morning came.] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[With that being said, $name [[closed their eyes]] as tight as they possibly could, and braced themselves for the challenges of the outside world that were awaiting as soon as morning came.]Ouch! Something's crawling on me! What is [[that?!]](text-style: "smear")[zzzZZZzzz....... zzzZZZZzzzzz...... [[zzzZZZZZzzzz...]]]A gentle ray of sunshine hit $name's pink nose. A new day has come. Something felt different. It was the first time in years that $name was not woken up by the holy sound of a tuna can being opened.
Wait a second, where even am I? (link-replace:"Meeeow?")[Mooom?] (link-replace:"MEEOOOOOWWW?")[DAAAAAD?] (link-replace:"Meow...")[Not a single sound. I guess it's time for me to [[take the matters into my own paws]], and bring myself back home.] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name shook the dirt and the leaves off of themselves. $name has been in forests plenty of times before, yet this enriching experience did not seem to grand the cat a single clue on how to navigate in such surroundings.]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[So, $name did what any of us would do if we were in their shoes: $name started walking (link-replace:"forward.") [At least according to $name's understanding of forward.]]
An intersection! Where shall I turn.. [[left]] or, maybe, [[right]]?
I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking walking walking. Fun! Maybe I do like hiking in the end! I guess I do wish I wasn't all alone though. I miss my [[fa...]]I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking walking walking. Fun! Maybe I do like hiking in the end! I guess I do wish I wasn't all alone though. I miss my [[fami...]]WAIT A SECOND, IS THAT A MOUSE?!
Move, $name, MOVE! [[catch]] the mouse!
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[It was at this moment that $name found themselves closeby a suprisingly wide river. The river was, in fact, so large, that there was a boat on the shore.]
Ew, I've never seen such a big bath before. I caught the mouse. It was pleasantly chonky. I obviously couldn't eat the mouse, but I still found it quite amuzing. (link-replace:"Oh no!")[It has [[escaped]] my not too firm grip!]Where's that noise coming from? Sounds like.. someone's mumbling..? Shall I [[listen closer]]?(text-colour:"red")["I'm telling you, pork sausages are the real deal, if it weren't for the chicken ones you bought this time, the barbecue would have been just fine!"]
(text-colour:"magenta")["No, Jack, you don't get it, your mother still thinks the worst of me!! And now she thinks that I can't even make a hotdog!]
(link-replace:"Nope.")[Not my parents. My parents are vegetarian. Still, they seem like decent people, [[eh?]]](text-colour:"magenta")["YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE, JACK! Maybe you should just move back in with your mom if she makes superb hotdogs!!!"]
(text-colour:"red")["FINE BY ME!"]
(link-replace:"Ha.")[Maybe not. Still, do I [[make contact]] in hopes they feed me a leftover sausage, or [[run away]], praying they don't try and turn me into a hotdog?]$name gave out a fine (link-replace:"Meow.")+(text-colour:"magenta")["Aw, look, Jack! [[A Kitty!"]]] There's a good reason why they don't call them hotcats. And humans will certainly not invent one today.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[That being said, $name started quietly backing off. Going back where they came from seemed to be the only safe option. Soon enough, the steps turned into confident hops, and, before $name knew it, they were on a [[spree]].] (text-colour:"magenta")["Poor thing, it must be lost!"]
Shall I [[use my manipulative kitty techniques]] on those two? (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Out of nowhere $name's eyes made two perfectly round circles, with the pupils consuming the majority of the eyeball. The ears seemed to have become droopy and all four paws were as if trying to take up as little space as possible.]
(text-colour:"magenta")["Poor [[baby!]]"] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Even though the running was forced, it brought back warm memories for $name.]
I remember when Maisey would throw me treats and I'd run, trying to catch them. Sure, that was a bit humiliating, as she should've just given them to me, but I secretely liked it, I guess.. (link-replace:"I...")[I miss my [[fa...]]](text-colour:"magenta")["Jack, we've got to take him with us!"]
(link-replace:"Oups.")[I was kind of hoping they would just feed me and scratch my belly (if I let them, of course). Seems like it's time to [[flee.]]](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Knowing damn well that the clock was ticking, $name momentarily turned around and started running as fast as pawssible.]
(text-colour:"magenta")["Oh no, Jack, it's runnning away!"] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[screamed out the voice in the distance. That only made $name [[run faster]].]
I was running for what felt like actual hours. My paws feel dirty and disgusting and I'm covered in mud. I hate this. I wouldn't even mind if Mom gave me a bath right now. I miss my [[fa...]](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Poor thing seemed absolutely petrified. The mouse ran away, deeper and deeper into the forest as fast as it could. $name felt quite disappointed.]
Wait a minute, is (link-replace:"that...")[another [[one???]]](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Yet another gray-ish mouse seemed to be running from the direction of the nearby boat. $name knew there was no time to loose.]
I see it, I see it! As I sprinted towards the boat immediately, I managed to catch this guy within a second. Wow me!
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Suddenly, a [[grumpy-looking man]] in his late 40s stepped out of the boat right onto the shore, staring at $name. The two engaged in a staring contest, as $name was holding on to the tail of the tiny creature.] (text-colour: "cyan")["Good job buddy! These mice have been bugging me for weeks now, I was sure they would be the death of me, but then you showed up and look at you! I wish I could do something to thank you..."]
I came closer to the man, who, politely, introduced himself as Larry, and began rubbing myself against his leg. Works like a charm every time.
Shall I hint him that [[he'd better give me something goooood to eat]], or shall I try and make him [[take me to the other side of the river]]? Larry had as if read my mind.
(text-colour: "cyan")["Sorry dude, I'm afraid I don't have anything on me to offer you at the moment... [[Actually...]]](text-colour: "cyan")["Aw, look at you! Perhaps if you weren't coverd in mud, dried leaves, and, what is that on your paw... gum? Perhaps I would have actually considered that sweet... Agh! (link-replace:"Right!")[Let me give you a nice bath in the river! Don't worry, I'll be [[gentle!]]]]This gentle of his really did not sound promising. No, thanks, I'd rather not.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name realised it was time to use the manipulative kitty techniques. $name's eyes made two perfect circles, the pupils dialated to thier maximum potential, and the ears became droopy. It looked like $name was about to burst into kitty tears.]
Let's see what he's gonna say to [[this.]] (text-colour: "cyan")["Alright, got it, no bath time for you then. Hmm.. what else can I..."]
Stupid, stupid people. Poor thing is clearly incapable of understanding that I simply need to get to the other side of the river.
I guess there's nothing left to do [[but to...]]
Sit at the very edge of the shore, stare at the opposite side of the river, and [[meow without taking a single breather]] untill I finally get my point through. (text-style: "shudder")+(link-replace:"MEOW.")[MEOW. (link-replace:"MEOOOOW.") [MEOW. MEOOOOW.] (link-replace:"MEOOOOOOOOOW.")[MEOOOOOOOOOW. Come on Larry! [[EUREKA!!!]]] ](text-colour: "cyan")["Alright then, I'll take you to the other shore, just stop with the meowing!!!"]
Problem solved. I climed aboard the little ship. The place was tiny and a mess, yet seemed to have plenty of surfaces I could potentially have a great nap on: a clothing rack, a laptop, his shoes... Suddenly, Larry [[disrupted my thoughts.]]
(text-colour: "cyan")["You want some tuna, little dude?"]
I can't believe it. Is Larry my guardian angel? He starts opening the can of tuna. Wait a minute. The can looks [[suspiciously bloated]]. Believe me, I know how a proper can of tuna looks like. Oh no, and it smells exactly like this one time when my parents forgot to take my litterbox out on time.
Shall I [[politely refuse]] Larry's kind gesture or shall I [[devour the smelly tuna]] anyway? Larry seems quite disappointed, but he should be happy, at the end of the day it's his boat that would've been covered with my puke.
Anyway, time to move. Larry got up to his steering wheel and just like that, [[we were on our way!]] I licked it. And then I licked it again. Then I took a bite. Then another one. And (link-replace:"one more.")[one more. Actually, three bites in, and it does not even feel gross at all! I proceeded to [[work on my tuna steak.]]]
Meanwhile, Larry got up to his steering wheel and just like that, [[we were on our way.]] I guess that sounds a bit more exciting than it actually is. We [[arrived to my desired destination]] in approximately five and a half minutes. I guess that sounds a bit more exciting than it actually is. We [[arrived to my destination]] in approximately five and a half minutes. I let Larry scratch my tummy before I left his ship to thank him. I hope he's grateful. Anyway, time to get going. [[Straight ahead!]]I walked for a while, and then another while, and another. As I was making my way through the forest I was counting first the trees, then the birds, then the trees again. It didn't help. I was still bored. All of a sudden, I started hearing a strangely [[familiar noise]] in the distance... As I was about to step off the ship, my stomack made a very (text-style: "rumble")[specific noise.] Oups. I guess I know where this is going.
Larry didn't look too thrilled, as $name deliborately puked onto his fishing shoes.
Anyway, time to get going. [[Straight ahead!]]Traffic! Civilazation must be somewhere close! I decided to accelerate - I knew I was very close to being wrapped up in my blue blankie again.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Just a few moments later $name came to witness where exactly the traffic noise was coming from. In front of $name was an enormous highway.] I (link-replace:"suppose...")[suppose... There's no crossing this one, is there?]
I decided to [[take a look around.]] Oh, I see two bus stops. Maybe I could try and catch a bus? Which stop would I go to though?
Shall I go [[to the left]] or [[to the right]]? (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name walked up to the bus stop №37. All that was left to do was [[wait for a bus]] to come and carefully lurk into it.]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name walked up to the bus stop №42. All that was left to do was [[wait]] for a bus to come and carefully lurk into it.](text-colour: "cyan")["I may have some leftover chiken from lunch over at my place."]
I tried to meow as enthusiastically as I could.
I patiently waited for Larry to bring me the chicken. There he is, with a chicken leg in his hand! The chicken was good, but definitely not enough. I'm still hungry, but I guess that's better than nothing.
As I was munching on my chicken, I realised that I still needed Larry to [[take me to the other side of the river]]. There it is! I followed an elderly lady, hiding behind her long skirt, making it to the backseats of the bus safely.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name wasn't too sure where they were going. But the new-found feelings of confidence and self-sufficiency were making this journey home quite an adventure.]
Time to unwind and take a much needed nap.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[With that being said, $name [[were snoring]] before they knew it.]There it is! I followed an elderly man, hiding behind a long trench coat of his, making it to the backseats of the bus safely.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name wasn't too sure where they were going. But the new-found feelings of confidence and self-sufficiency were making this journey home quite an adventure.]
I just can't help looking out of the window. All those times my parents would drag me around with them in the car... I can't believe I never realised how mezmerising the drives were.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[As much as $name wanted to appreciate the beauty of nature, $name were [[snoring]] before they knew it.](text-style: "rumble")+(link-replace:"BEEP-BEEP")[A loud noise has [[put an end]] to $name's peaceful sleep.]
What the hell is (link-replace:"that noise?!")[that noise?! Oh. Seems like the bus has reached it's [[final stop...]]]
I wasn't sure what exactly woke me up, but I can tell we're about to stop.
Shall I [[continue my nap]], or [[leave at the next stop]]? (text-style: "rumble")+(link-replace:"BEEP-BEEP")[A loud noise has certainly [[put an end]] to $name's peaceful sleep.]I jumped off my seat and as soon as the doors began to open, I sprinted towards the exit.
(text-colour:"lightgoldenrodyellow")[Hey! What the hell was the cat doing there?!"] - screamed the bus driver.
But I didn't care. The bus took off and I [[looked around.]](text-colour:"lightgoldenrodyellow")["Hey there? How on Earth did you even get here?"]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[The bus driver was powering through the rows of seats to take a closer look on his last passenger - $name.]
I still feel quite shaken from being so rudely forced to wake up. Why are his hands getting [[so close]] to me?!?!?(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")["Right then, come here... Hey, stop scratching me! Get your claws away from me!"]
Only if you stop touching me like that!
Shall I [[stand my grounds]] and attempt to give him a massive scratch or shall I [[surrender]] and let the man do his thing?I gathered all the rage and utter humiliation within me and poured all that into the most savage attack I'd ever performed. (link-replace:"SCRATCH!!!!")[How would you like that, [[mister?]]]I suddenly remembered all those hours Mom has spent trying to teach my not to use my claws on humans, so even though she was not with me now, I felt as if I didn't want to disappoint her on this one.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Larry gently grabbed $name by the scruff of the neck and [[put the cat in his bag]].]
Contrary to my expectations, however, the driver did not seem amuzed. He grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and (link-replace:"put me into his backpack.")[put me into his backpack. For a second there I thought that was it. Perhaps, that was the last time I ever got to see the light of day.
Thankfully, he left a hole at the very top for me. Not that large to try and escape, yet good enough to to avoid death from suffocation.
And so, with a cat (me) in the bag we [[began walking]], yet this time I was not in control. [[Well...]]It feels as if we'd been walking for (link-replace:"forever.")[My paws are sore and I desparately need a proper stretch. Oh, [[finally!]]]The walking has stopped. I see [[light!]](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name found themselves on the porch of a house. Quite an old building, there were in fact a lot of those on the sreet and they all looked identical.]
(link-replace:"Did the...")[Did the... Did the bus driver take me to [[his place]]?]The two of us walkied in.
Shall I [[take a look]] around or shall I squeeze into the far away corner to [[hide]]?The place seemed to have two storeys. Right in front of me was the living room and, to the right, what seemed to be a very messy kitchen with a pretty gross smell coming out of it.
(text-colour: "lightgoldenrodyellow")["Have a seat, [[make yourself at home]], pal."]I found a corner - the closest one seemed to be behind an armchair. I squeezed in there.
"Right then, do what you wanna do." With that being said, Larry went upstairs. I was all alone. I wanted to [[cry.]] I placed myself onto the couch. At home?! Here? I object. I heard the front door behind me lock. I suppse I don't have a (link-replace:"choice...")[choice... At least for the night.]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name was still sleep deprived (obviouslly). $name [[crashed.]]](link-replace:"zzzZZZZZ....zzzzZZZZZzzz....zzzzZZZZZzz....")[Rise and shine. I woke up. The sun was peeking throught the living room window. I could hear some commotion in the kitchen area. I'd better [[go and check]] what's up.]Fortunately for my ego, I was still massively sleep deprived, so before I knew it - I [[crashed.]]
I entered the kitchen. What the hell is [[that...]]A girl, approximately the same age as Maisey, was feeeding one... two... three... four... five... FIVE other cats! I was stranded. And hungry.
Shall I [[wait to be personally invited]] to have some breakfast or shall I just walk up to one of the bowls and [[start munching]]? I walked to the exact middle of the kitchen and started staring at the girl.
(text-colour: "purple")["Hi there! I'm Ellie! And who are you, [[let's see...]]"]I pushed through to one of the bowls. Meh, nothing special - the cheapest kind of cat food.
The girl finally noticed me.
(text-colour: "purple")["Hi there! I'm Ellie! And who are you, [[let's see...]]"]She got on her knees and looked at the [[nametag]] on my collar. (text-colour: "purple")["$name... Well then welcome, $name!"]
Nope, I'm not staying in a cat shelter of some sort. I have to get going. Somehow. I looked at all the cats around me. There are some super strange fellas. One was missing an ear and the other one didn't have a tail. There was also [[one]] that looked like he was very old. Veeeeery old. The guy looked like he's seen a lot. I decided that was my best shot at making my way back home.
I patiently waited untill he finished his food and decided to [[strike a conversation]]. Hello. I'm $name. I'm... kinda new here.
The crusty old cat did not look neither impressed nor interested. I [[continued]]. I proceeded to explain to him what I'd already been through in the last two days. Still, no reaction. Guess he's either a walking encyclopedia or he's just an arrogant son of a... Wait, did he just [[reply]] to me?!(text-colour: "limegreen")["I've got to say, that's not too shabby, especially [[for you.]]"]
And yet he gave me a very judgemental look.
(text-colour: "limegreen")["I might be able to help you. If you wish."]
(link-replace:"Of course I do!!!")[Of course I do!!! I [[began listening]] with the best of my attention.](text-colour: "limegreen")["Here's what you're gonna do. The good news is - you're already in the needed area. The not so good news: on your way you'll be faced with quite a tricky path. Listen carefully. You'd better [[take notes]]."]I thought to myself: What do you mean, take notes? I can't take notes, can you take notes?! I've got paws... That's when I realized I'd missed half of his speech. (link-replace:"Ehh...")[Ehh... Could you please [[go over that one more time]]?](text-colour: "limegreen")["Fine. You would escape the house through the living room window. You then turn right and go all the way down the road, then, you go to the left. After that, you take a turn to the right. Finally, all is left to do is walk straight ahead - you should see your house at the very end of the street."]
"Turn right, go down the road... left, left and.. right. [[Alright!]]I thanked the old crusty cat. Time to go.
The cat with the missing ear helped me to open the window - there was no one in the living room apart from us two. He seemed to be a total pro, wow.
I squeezed through. Agh, the (link-replace:"taste of freedom.")[taste of freedom. Not the time to relax though, not yet. First - [[the quest]]] Do I [[turn right]] or [[turn left]] or [[keep walking]] ?Do I [[go to the right]] or [[go down the road]] or [[go to the left]] ? Do I [[go to the right]] or [[go down the road]] or [[go to the left]] ? Do I [[go to the right]] or [[go down the road]] or [[go to the left]] ? Do I [[Go right]] or [[Go straight ahead]] or [[Go left]] ?Do I [[Go right]] or [[Go straight ahead]] or [[Go left]] ?Do I [[Go right]] or [[Go straight ahead]] or [[Go left]] ?Do I [[Take a turn to the right]] or[[Take a turn to the left]] or [[Just keep walking]] ?Do I [[Take a turn to the right]] or[[Take a turn to the left]] or [[Just keep walking]] ?Do I [[Take a turn to the right]] or[[Take a turn to the left]] or [[Just keep walking]] ?I DID IT! I SEE MY [[HOME]]! Oh no. That does not look right, I guess I have to go back and start [[the quest]] all over again...Oh no. That does not look right, I guess I have to go back and start [[the quest]] all over again...Maisey saw me coming from the window and ran out, crying tears of joy. So did Mom and Dad.
[[Best. Day. Ever.]] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Good job! You helped $name get back to his family safely. You've reached the end of the game! Thank you and goodbye!]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Play again: [[Start]].]
<img src= "http://cdn.pazhitnova.ru/photo_2023-10-25_22-21-28.jpg"> (text-colour:"blanchedalmond")[$name found themselves in the very heart of their home city, that the cat was capable to recognise. $name felt immensley proud of their navigation skills. So much noise, hustle and people. All the buildings seemed to $name like endless skyscrapers.]
I better [[start walking]]... don't know where, but I'll sort that out as I go. I was powering through the streets of my city. Something felt familiar, yet there was no way I could find the exact way home by myself.
As I was passing by a tiny alley with, what looked like garbage bins, I suddenly heard someone screaming.
Shall I take a look at [[what's happening]] or [[ignore the commotion]]?
I took a turn a sharp turn to [[get closer]] to the bins. I [[continued walking]]. I've got places to be, you now. Other's drama is not gonna boteher me today, I've got plenty of my own. Agh! Relatives!
A scruffy orange cat seemed to be teaching his offspring a lesson. To tell the truth, I was intrigued by the drama. I decided to [[hide behind]] one of the trash bins and listen closer. (text-style: "shudder")+(link-replace:"SMASH!")[I stepped on an empty can and it made a horrendous noise. Both cats are now [[staring]] at me...](text-colour: "limegreen")["What are you doing here?"]
I... I am...
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[You'd better come up with something good now, $name.]
Shall I tell him [[I was admiring his parenting skills]] or shall I [[just tell him the truth]] right away? Oh um, you see, I just couldn't help but listen how well you seemed to have handled the situation there, way to go!!..
He did not seem too thrilled to hear [[that.]]I proceeded to explain to him what I'd already been through in the last two days. He didn't seem to impressed with my adventures, but still payed close attention and took a moment to process after I was finished.
(text-colour: "limegreen")["And you think I can help you [[why]]?"]That was untill the noise was starting to get louder with every passing second. I slowed down a little... Out of nowhere a tiny orange kitten bumped into me, as it seemed to be running away from something.
Agh! (link-replace:"Relatives!")[Relatives! Right after the little dude a scruffy orange cat came out, runnning. But it seems like the little one was already too far gone. My [[new acquaintance]] stopped right next to me as he was trying to catch a breath. I decided to [[strike a converstion.]] The fella seems to be a local. Perhaps, he can help me find my home.(text-colour: "limegreen")["Stop with the rambling. I don't even know this guy. Besides, I can tell when someone's not sincere. And you'd better mind your own business, pal. The streets are no joke..."]
He turned his back to me and was starting to walk away... I should [[just tell him the truth]]. The fella seems to be a local. Perhaps, he's my chance at finally returning home.I proceeded to explain to him what I'd already been through in the last two days. He didn't seem to impressed with my adventures, but still payed close attention and took a moment to process after I was finished.
(text-colour: "limegreen")["And you think I can help you [[why]]?"](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name knew they had to make a bargain.]
What (link-replace:"if...")[if... What if you help me find home and in return you can stay with my family and I? No more surviving, you will finally be warm, fed and safe. How does [[that sound?]]]
I thought to myself: that is some great on the spot decision making! Did I thoroughly think this through? Maybe not. I do have a lot of faith in Maisey though. She can be quite persuasive. What seven year old wouldn't want to have two cats? Especially, when there have been none for the past two days.
So, what are [[you]] saying? (text-colour: "limegreen")["Fine. I'm George, by the way. So here's the deal. The good news - you are in the right area. Almost. The bad news - you still have a long way to go. I mean we still have a [[long way to go.]]"]George pulls out a map.
(text-colour: "limegreen")["Here's us. And here's your place. The only thing separating the two is, well, a few dozen of twists and turns and more turns and twists. If we set off now, we should make it by sunrise."]
No point in waiting then! [[Let's go!]] The two of us left the garbage site. We were walking in complete silence. I was starting to question my decision of inviting this stranger to my household... Still, it's not like I had a choice.
It is almost midnight. Not that I can tell the time, but it feels like [[midnight]]. I was really cold and tired, but I felt unconfortable asking George to take a break. What if he thinks I'm not cool enough? So we [[continued walking.]]The (text-style: "sway")[trees are swaying] and (text-style: "shadow")[casting creepy shadows] onto the ground. This street feels kind of sketchy... I have a weird [[gut feeling...]] (text-style: "rumble")[BAM!!!] A loud noise struck my ears, as a rock landed just a few inches away from me. George and I exchanged genuinely concerned looks with one another.
I hear some laughing in the background. (link-replace:"Oh no, I think I know what it is...")[Oh no, I think I know what it is... [[Teenage boys.]]] (text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[$name was, in fact, correct. The scariest that the outside world could offer, was without a single doubt a gang of teenage boys, who firmly believed throwing rocks at living creatures was a form of entertainment.]
Come on, George, we've gotta run!
Seems like George agreed with me on this one. We started [[running.]](text-colour: "limegreen")["They're getting too close to us. We can't outrun them. We're gonna have to [[stand up for ourselves.]]"]Stand up for ourselves?! But I can't even hurt a fly! And my claws are freshly groomed... I was in despair and did not know what to do. I guess my face said it all, because George did not hezitate for a split second.
(text-colour: "limegreen")["Here, hold on to the map."]
With those words, he courageously [[sprinted towards]] one of the boys. There are three boys and only one George. I surely admire him, but I'm afraid that's not gonna end well...
Shall I leave [[George behind]] and flee while the gang is distracted by him or shall I [[stand by his side]] no matter the circumstance?
I picked up the map, gave George, who was holding on to one of the boys' pants, one last glance, and started [[running away]] from the dark alley as fast as I could. I promised George that two of us would make it to my place safely and I like to keep my (link-replace:"promises.")[promises. Well, that's the first promise I've ever had to make in my life, but still. I'm [[a cat of my word.]]] I was thinking of a way I could possibly be of any use in the situation. Meanwhile, George jumped on one of the boys and began clawing his way up the teen's body.
(text-colour: "red")["Jesus, I can't get the stupid cat off!"]
(text-colour: "blue")["Dude what if he like, I don't know, has rabies or something."]
(text-colour: "red")["Fucking hell, I'd better get him off ASAP!!!!"]
One of the guys managed to pull George off his pal. The three ran as fast as they could.
Wow, [[George...]](text-colour: "limegreen")["Please, this was nothing." - said George in a very poshy voice.]
Now I know he's the real deal.
"We'd better get going. We're [[almost there.]]"
A few hours later we finally reached a street that I remembered very vividly - MY street. As we were almost on my front porch, George started walking slower and slower. I could tell he was nervous.
Not to worry, George. My [[family]] will love you. In fact, they really did.
Maisey saw us coming from the window and ran out, crying tears of joy. So did Mom and Dad.
[[Best. Day. Ever.]] I thought I was safe, (link-replace:"but...")[but... I overestimated my navigation capabilities.]
I couldn't understand what turn to take, I couldn't figure out what my exact location even was... But George seemed to be so good at it. I thought it was [[easy...]][[I took a left turn,]][[And then another one,]][[I walked down the street for a loooong time...]]... But nothing. I was [[lost.]]By that time it was already noon and George estimated I would be there by sunrise...
I really, really [[shouldn't have]] left him behind.
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Unfortunately for $name, it was too late. The newfound regret couldn't turn time around.]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Perhaps, someday, $name will manage to return back home, and this time, they would have the lesson learnt.]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[But for now, $name found a quiet corner in the streets, laid down on a plastic bag, and fell asleep [[for a long long time...]]](text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[I'm sorry! $name didn't get home safely. Perhaps, learn a thing or two about friendship and compassion. Better luck next time! Thank you and goodbye!]
(text-colour: "blanchedalmond")[Play again: [[Start]].]
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